ICTLC Australia


ICT Legal Consulting Australia consists of a dynamic pool of highly specialized professionals capable of supporting companies in all their technological and business needs.

Under the guidance of Helaine Leggat, Managing Partner of the Australian office, and with the support of the entire global network of ICT Legal Consulting professionals, the firm has an enviable track record from strategic technology licensing to mobile advertising, to global regulator, security and privacy matters.

Here is an overview of the main services offered:


  • Privacy and Data Protection
  • Cloud Computing
  • E-commerce
  • Information Technology
  • Cyber Security
  • Big Data and Analytics
  • Internet of Things
  • Intellectual Property
  • Marketing and Advertising
  • Telecommunication
  • E-Health
  • Legal Training
  • Security Training
  • Strategy, Risk and Scenario Planning

Contact Details

We are here to understand your needs and help your business. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information at info.aus@ictlc.com.


Helaine Leggat

Managing Partner – Australia

Former Director of the Australian Information security Association, Lawyer admitted to the Supreme Court of Victoria Australia, specialised in ICT, cyber security, personal data protection and governance.

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