Lawyer with experience in data protection and Partner of ICT Legal Consulting law firm, Data Protection Officer certified UNI 11697:2017, certified auditor for the Europrivacy certification scheme, Master of Data Protection & Data Protection Designer enrolled in the Register of the Italian Institute for Privacy and Data Valorisation and assistant to the chair of constitutional and media law at LUISS Guido Carli.
He graduated with top score from LUISS Guido Carli in Rome with a thesis on “The requirement of truthfulness of the news in investigative journalism”; Nicolò Maria Salvi attended the Master Class in European Law for the protection of personal data organized by LUISS School of Law and the Master in Data Protection Officer and Privacy Matter Expert organized by TopLegal Academy benefiting, in both cases, from a scholarship.
Since 2017, he has been dealing mainly with the protection of personal data and ICT law, providing consultancy in the field of personal data protection and in the areas of law closely related to the use of new technologies, supporting private companies and public administrations in complying with EU Regulation No. 679/2016, in the design of new products and services from a privacy by design and by default perspective, as well as supporting their Data Protection Officers.
At the same time, since 2016 he has been carrying out academic activities at LUISS Guido Carli in Rome as assistant to the chair of constitutional law and media law and has participated as a speaker at conferences, courses and masters in the field of personal data protection.
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