Luca Bolognini

Luca Bolognini – Founding Partner ICTLC

Luca Bolognini – President of the Italian Institute for Privacy and Data Valorisation (Istituto Italiano per la Privacy e la Valorizzazione dei Dati), founded in 2008. Luca is an attorney-at-law admitted to practice before the Italian Supreme Court, a member of the Rome Bar Association and founding partner of the law firm ICT Legal Consulting with offices in Milan, Rome, Bologna, Amsterdam, Athens, Helsinki, Madrid, Paris, Lagos, Melbourne, Nairobi and Riyadh and partner law firms in 54 other countries. Leading Individual Data Privacy and Data Protection The Legal 500 (Italy) 2020-21-22-23-24. Recommended Lawyer The Legal 500 EMEA 2016-2024. Chambers Europe Ranked Lawyer 2022-23-24. IAPP Member, CIPP/E and TÜV Italia Certified Privacy Officer. Co-founder and shareholder of the data compliance consulting firm ICTLC SpA and of the cybersecurity firm ICT Cyber Consulting Srl. He obtained his Law degree from the Alma Mater University of Bologna. Luca serves as an independent Ethics and Privacy Advisor for several European research and innovation projects (Horizon 2020 / Horizon Europe) and as an Expert Coach for the Executive Agency for Small & Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) of the European Commission. In 2017, he founded the “CNAC – National Center Anti-Cyberbullying”, supported by relevant Italian and international companies and law firms. He speaks Italian and English fluently and has reasonable knowledge of Spanish. He has published studies on data protection and other legal aspects concerning Artificial Intelligence, e-Privacy, secondary use of data in the scientific research, R&D and marketing fields, Big Data, international data transfers, cloud & edge computing, Internet of Things and Industry 4.0, smart contracts, fintech, e-health, data processing liability and privacy “class actions”, right to monetize data, freedom of information, right to be forgotten, minors’ privacy, profiling, and pseudonymization for scientific journals and both national and international newspapers (including Computer Law & Security Review, Diritto Economia e Tecnologie della Privacy, Corriere della Sera, Il Sole 24 Ore, Politico, The Wall Street Journal Europe).


Since 2023, Luca Bolognini has been appointed as scientific director, with R. Imperiali, of the Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre’s “IUS Privacy Portal” in Italy. He is co-founder of the Privacy Symposium International Conference in Venice. Luca is also a member of the Experts Board of EU-IoT and co-chair of the Europrivacy GDPR certification International Board of Senior Experts. He regularly participates as a speaker to national and international conferences (including ITU Telecom World, IoT Week, Annual Privacy Forum, Privacy Day Forum, CPDP) and radio/TV broadcasts on innovation policies matters. He has lectured at Bologna Business School of the University of Bologna, Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione, CNR Pisa, Università Statale di Milano, IED, IPSOA and TÜV Sud Privacy Officer mastercourses and at several other training and higher education programs and masters in Italy. From 2010 to 2019, he has been in charge of teaching privacy law at the SSPL at the Faculty of Law of the University of Teramo, Italy. In the last 10 years, Luca’s been in charge of teaching EU data protection law at the Master in Big Data Management of LUISS Guido Carli, at the Master in cybersecurity, data protection and privacy at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, at the Master in Labour Law at the Unimercatorum, at the Master in Data Protection Officer at Politecnico di Milano, at the Master in Professionisti della digitalizzazione e della privacy at the University Unitelma Sapienza, at the Master in Intelligenza Artificiale, Diritto ed Etica Delle Tecnologie Emergenti at the Università Europea di Roma, at the “Corso Maestro Protezione Dati & Data Protection Designer®” at the Academy Istituto Italiano Privacy, at the Master in Internet Ecosystem at the University of Pisa, at the Advanced Master in Privacy, Cybersecurity and Data Management at Maastricht University, at the Master of Science in Medical Informatics at FHNW University, at the Master Course BuTH-AI (Building Trust in Human-Centric Artificial Intelligence) at Link Campus University, at the Master in Advanced Studies on the IoT at the University of Geneva, and at the Master Total Worker Health at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.


Luca Bolognini’s books in the last 15 years, as director, author or co-author: «Deontologia privacy per avvocati e investigatori privati» (privacy for lawyers and private investigators, Giuffrè, 2009); «Next Privacy» (RCS Etas, 2010); «Privacy Technologies and Policies» (chapter on IoT and 3D privacy, Springer, 2016); «Generazione Selfie» (Corriere della Sera, 2014); «Il Regolamento Privacy Europeo» (the first Italian commentary on the GDPR, Giuffrè, 2016); «La responsabilità civile nel trattamento di dati personali e per atti di cybercrime» (on personal data processing-related liability, Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, 2018); «Codice Privacy: tutte le novità del D.Lgs. 101/2018” (Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, 2018); «A.I. Artificial Insanity – Reflections on the resilience of human intelligence» (Rubbettino, 2018), a pamphlet about digital rights, Big Data law and impacts of Artificial Intelligence, AR/VR and IoT on human lives; «Internet of Things Security and Data Protection» (Springer, 2019), in particular with the essays “Evolution of Data Protection Norms and Their Impact on the Internet of Things”, “Voluntary Compliance Commitment Tool for European General Data Protection Regulation”, “IoT and Cloud Computing: Specific Security and Data Protection Issues”; «La rappresentanza dei diritti in materia di protezione dei dati personali, tra azioni plurisoggettive e azioni collettive» in the book «Azione di classe: la riforma italiana e le prospettive europee» (essay on privacy and data protection class actions, Giappichelli, 2020); «Responsabilità, Rischio e Danno in Sanità» (chapter on privacy and data transparency in the Italian health sector, Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, 2022). Director and author of the book «Privacy e libero mercato digitale» (Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, 2021), on the balance and interaction between data protection and other sectoral market regulations. Author of the book «L’Arte della Privacy – Metafore sulla (non) conformità alle regole nell’era data-driven» (Rubbettino, 2022, English edition: «The Art of Privacy – Metaphors on (non) compliance in the data-driven era», Spanish edition: «El Arte de la Privacidad – Metáforas sobre la (no) conformidad con las reglas en la era de los datos»). Director, with Enrico Pelino and Marco Scialdone, and author of the book «Digital Services Act e Digital Markets Act» (Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, 2023). Author of the book «Diritto Dipinto – L’arte legale nel “tutto digitale”» (Rubbettino, 2023, English edition: «Painted Privacy», 2024). Director, with Enrico Pelino, and author of the volume «Codice della Disciplina Privacy» (Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, first edition 2019, second edition 2024) a complete commentary on the GDPR and all the Italian data protection and privacy laws.

Some of Luca Bolognini’s open access papers: